CCBM Communications 060120241212: News Regulation & an Information Tunnel Parable

CCBM June 1,  2024 UTC+14 CCBM: Hello & Welcome to CCBM.  No contact by telephone or visit has been made with our offices by  regulators from any country or by news agencies since starting operations in 2014.   We are now in our 10th year of service.   Nothing in that is supposedly critical news has been confirmed with us,  

 News and information remain in a state of emergency.  If for any reason the news gets corrected and we don’t reflect those changes, it is because the news has not been corrected with us.  In that case make sure to call  or visit us our offices if you feel our advisory is in error.

 Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, religious information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected

Information tunnels 

Is your news different from your friends? Did news of sporting event not match what you saw  on television?  Information tunnels are old tricks used mostly for ethnic cleansing, investment scams and even gambling.    They are used in television, the radio and the internet.

Technology is capable of delivering millions of variations of mass media then quickly erasing or altering their illusion.   An information tunnel might give you bad medical or health advice one day and then the next day it is gone.  Information tunnels are things used to discredit, frame, set up and hurt people and those who use them often deny they exist.

Information tunnels are used against important people and ordinary people, Information tunnels are the result of poor authority in many different categories. Life is better lived away from the television, the internet and even radio until better authority is in charge.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Additional organizational information

Office of the Director of Intelligence for Interpol.  The World Health Organization’s emergency service in English & Spanish and  world crown also provide emergency organizational information and can be translated into any language in the world.  They publish at least once a month.

The Daily Page @ ABN Americas and Angelcraft Crown Media and News Co in English   and Spanish are news and information emergency services which can be translated into any language.  These services  offer short articles, opinions, hard to find news and access to free books through a network of websites.  Angelcraft Media Division has more than ten years experience warning people about the news and information emergency.  These emergency services are experts in the news and information emergency, believe less is more and promise to publish at least once a year.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Our News & Information Report    

Hello & Welcome to CCBM.  We are not a weather service.  We use Hurricane Tracker, NOAA & CONAG.  We also use  

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.

No complaints, calls or visits have been made to our offices.   Our phones are reported to be in good working order. We have no complaints about our telecommunications providers, Telcel, Telmex &  ATT. 

Section 1

CCBM is an emergency news regulation service and an emergency service for people who still use the internet.  Are you still using the internet?   If you are still using the internet, you can use the tips below to measure any authority.

Tip 1: Does the authority advise you about the news and information emergency?

This one little detail can make a big difference.

Tip 2: Does the authority teach you what a virtual leader is and how such leaders are used to control people’s decisions?

Tip 3: Does the authority warn you about monkeypox, coronavirus and ethnic cleansing?

Tip 4: Does the authority provide information to you about the dangers of restricting your breathing or the dangers posed by the wearing of safety masks?

Tip 5:  Does the authority warn you about poor quality and poorly made safety masks?  The commercialization of coronavirus masks by the private sector has produced masks which are harmful.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Section 2


World Health Organization Info emergency websites in English & Spanish are translatable into any language in the world.  These emergency services of the  World Health Organization were created under the authority of Jose Maria Chavira M.S. and can be translated into any language.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Section 3

Our technical support is good.  Basic government services around the world remain relatively stable.  Banking is relatively stable  and economies remain in a state of recovery.  Many survival economies remain in existence.  Survival economies are hard to beat. Many nations are now more wise and educated about their situation.  Time and justice is on the side of good people.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Section 4

Section 4: is one our studies where we  analyzed in English the results we got from search engines. CCBM These PDFS are from January 4, 2023 and we also retrieved an article dated December 29, 2022 


In searching for news about deaths from coronavirus vaccines we found an article from December 29, 2022.   It stated that three out of every 10 adults who were vaccinated or boosted in the fall of 2021 died from COVID-19,  By August of 2022 six out of every 10 adults who were vaccinated or boosted for corornvirus died.  This is only one of many stories and in many locations there are families whose report of a loved one dying after being treated, vaccinated or boosted does not make the news. A significant number of men and women have now died in ethnic cleansing.  Coronavirus, which is a form of ethnic cleansing,  continues to loom over our heads like it is never going to go away.  The World Crown guarantees justice against all conspiracies.

Welcome and thank you for visiting CCBM.  No matter what part of the world you live in, we pray you have a great and safe month,  Remember to keep tabs on the news so nothing takes you by surprise.  At the same time we encourage you to relax, stay sober, in good physical condition and get lots of rest when you’re not working.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

More information

Coronavirus continues to hover over our heads like it is never going to go away.  These are the some recent updates:  Coronavirus update – Yahoo Search Results

Monkeypox was declared a global emergency. The emergency has various dates and July 23, 2022 is one of them.   Æ Angelcraft Emissions in English & Spanish have published an article on this.  Æ section U in english and Æ Section N is spanish may be translated into any language in the world.

World Health Organization Info emergency websites in English & Spanish are translatable into any language in the world.

 Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Section 5

Mazatlan Offices

Our Mazatlan beach offices telephone no. is 669-954-0380.  The offices are open, friendly, have no politics and nothing intimidating other than a noisy little chihuahua who begs for attention.  We are receiving good technical support from Mexico and from the United States. Our Landlines and cell phones work to make and receive phone calls. High Speed Internet is excellent.

Section 6

Communication Status

No government news regulators or news agencies have succeeded in making contact with us. News and information remain in a state of emergency.  CCBM will post as needed.

Section 7

Angelcraft Media Division 

CCBM represents the regulation for Angelcraft Broadcasting  (see  ABN Offices and Angelcraft Media Division and the World Crown’s regulation of news and information. Official contact with our World Crown offices in Mazatlan is (669) 954-0380.  Emergency walk in visits Monday-Friday 12-5 by important representatives are acceptable.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Section 8


By World Crown & Angelcraft Media Division protocols we are prohibited from calling around to investigate and are prohibited from using email for communications during the current technology and information emergency.    We advise people to keep an eye on the news and government information for their country  so nothing takes them by surprise.

Section 9

Emergency News & Information Services

The Daily Page @ ABN Americas and Angelcraft Crown Media and News Co in English   and Spanish are news and information emergency services which can be translated into any language.  These services  offer short articles, opinions, news and access to free books through a network of websites.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

Section 10


911 emergency services have been a new planetary standard now for several years.  In case of an emergency dial 911.  If 911, does not work in your area or country dial your local operator for assistance.

Section 11


Do not forget that changes to phone dialing were made in some countries.  These changes took many people by surprise several years ago.   If  you experience problems with your telephone or cell phone contact your service provider.  If you do not have problems it is still a good idea to keep up with your service provider’s public information service so nothing takes you by surprise.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected. All major news agencies and many government websites are effected.

CCBM Crown Corporation Business Media & Regulation Group. Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft. MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France